January 14, 2009

Oliver Perez and the Mets

With Derek Lowe not accepting the Mets offer and signing a contract with the Atlanta Braves yesterday the best free agent pitcher on the market is left hander Oliver Perez. As we all know Ollie can be great in a big game against the Yankees and Phillies but can be god awful against a team like the Washington Nationals.

The Mets made an offer to Oliver Perez' agent Scott Boras for 3 years and valued at about 30 million dollars. Carlos Silva a pitcher not the caliber of Oliver Perez got a deal for 48 million dollars. Oliver Perez has shown he has the ability to pitch a no hitter but on the flipside he has also had a hard time keeping that pitchcount down to 100 by the 5th inning. He does not always stay focused on the mount, he constaantly needs encourgement.

Oliver is young, throws hard and most importantly is left handed. It is also known that he would like to play for a West Coast time but the Padres are cutting their payroll, the Giants are trying to get Manny Ramirez as are the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks have shown zero interest. I don't think Ollie wants to go to the American League where hitting is better than the National League, leaving his options limited.

I think given the free agents left on the market Ollie is the best bet for the rotation. After Rick Peterson was fired and replaced by Dan Warten Ollie started to show his potential.

If the Mets want Ollie they are going to need to up the offer otherwise the rotation is not going to be strong enough to last the season.

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